Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 1187 KB
Print Length: 314 pages
Publisher: Daring Books (25 Jun 2013)
Travel to the most romantic city in the world and fall in love with Winter and Cade!
When the city of love brings two lost souls together, only their darkest secrets can tear them apart.
No one knows my secret. Ever since high school, ever since I started living in fear, no one has known the true me. But then I met him, and I couldn't hide anymore.
He became my hero, saving me from the villain of my past. He became my friend, his smile a blanket of warmth. And he scared me. Because he, this beautiful man, he might become more. Then he'd see the real me, and I couldn't let that happen.
My name is Winter, and what I desire most I can't have.
Flashes of the night I was drugged rush back to me. His strong arms carrying me through the streets of Paris. The feel of his heart beating as my head rested against his chest. The soft press of his lips against my forehead when he thought I was asleep.
Oh shit. I'm falling for the cowboy. Cade.
But we can't be anything more. He has his own secrets. His own darkness he keeps hidden, like the letter he keeps with him everywhere he goes.
The letter he refuses to open.
New Adult Contemporary Romance - 87, 000 words - Standalone in the Kiss Me series.
The giveaway on this tour is an Amazon GC $50/£30
Travel the world with the Deveaux's as they find love, and trouble, in all the right places.
5 stars "I experienced every emotion as each character felt it. Every tear, every laugh, all of the fear, anxiety, and stress, I experienced every last bit of it. And even though this is a romance, there are tears. I cried more times reading Kiss Me in Paris than I did watching Nicholas Sparks' The Last Song. Kiss Me in Paris left me hollow when I finally finished it. I feel as if a piece of me was left in the words as I read. And for once, I have a book to call my favorite." ~Merumei on Amazon
5 stars "A timeless and beautiful love story that will sweep you off your feet, but it's also much more than that." ~Amy Conley, Amazon
5 stars "Beautifully drawn characters and stunning pallets that bring you in to Paris itself." ~Stormy, Amazon
Some favorite quotes from Kiss Me in Paris
• "One star breaks off from the others, shooting across the sky, a bright light trailing behind it, and I finally understand why people wish on dying stars. Because something always has to die for life to give birth to a new dream. "
• "Paris is pregnant with layers of history, colored with the ink of artists who dared to dream of a world only they could see."
• "It's like I'm giving birth from my mouth." <You'll understand this when you get to chapter 5. Then you'll pee your pants laughing.>
• "It's the nature of being human that, in our own blindness, we lash out and blind others."
• "I think of Winter, of her smile, her eyes, her arms wrapped around me, and I know where home is. It's wherever she is, and right now she is too far away. My heart has escaped my body and is walking Paris without me."
• "She opened herself to him, and, in that moment, she opened herself to the world. Let it hurt her. Let it burn her veins, boil her blood and scorch her heart. For where there could be pain, there could be pleasure and love. She would be cold no longer. She would melt the hearts of others, and in turn, they would melt hers. She would feel the full spectrum of emotions and cry. She would be human. And she would be happy."
Pick up your copy of Kiss Me in Paris on Amazon, B&N, and wherever ebooks are sold (Except iBooks, sadly, because they are taking FOREVER to publish books. So if you have an iPad, iPhone or iAnything, get an Amazon app for free and you're set). Look for the paperback and hardback coming soon.
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About Kimberly Kinrade

She lives with her three little girls who think they're ninja princesses with super powers, and her husband, also known as the sexy Russian Prince, who is the love of her life and writing partner.
Kiss Me in Paris by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov
Paris—the city of artists and dreamers. Being here is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. So why do I still feel so out of place?
I don't belong in Texas, running my dad’s business. And if I don't belong in the city, pursuing my career, then where do I belong? Where will I ever find the peace that’s been missing from my life for so long?
My dad’s voice echoes in my mind. "What’s bothering you, kid?" He always asked me that when I was young, andI never had an answer for him.
I still don’t.
The suitcase sits nearly empty on my bed, save for one last item. I pull out the envelope, weathered by years and tears but forever unopened. The familiar scrawl across the front, just the one word, Goodbye. I run my thumb along the seal, wondering, not for the first time, what words he could have written that would make a difference, that would make the ache of his loss easier to bear.
But I don't open it. I’ll never open it. Instead I slip it into my pillow as memories of the past flood me.
The mocking.
The pain.
The end.
“What's bothering you, kid?” Dad's voice whispers through me again. At least this time I have an answer, a way to act on the anger crashing through me.
I can’t go back and right the wrong done so long ago, but I can right a recent wrong, and dag nab it, will it feel good.
Pulling on my boots, hat on head, I lock up my room and seek the object of my righteous rage.
I pause, staring at the door to Winter’s room as if I could see through it. She and her roommate went out; I heard them leave. Her pale face and eyes the color of a frozen lake, haunt me. Eyes filled with tears when that asshole stepped on her small hand, so delicate. I held it as it turned blue, swelling in pain.
Pulling myself from her door, I hunt the hallway looking for Rodney. I don’t know what their history is, and I don’t care. No one deserves to be treated that way. I’ve seen guys like him before, known them all my life, and I’ve never backed down from putting jerks like him in their place.
I’m not about to start today.
It’s not because of the girl, I’m sure of that. She’s beautiful, sure. And funny, in an offhanded way. But that’s irrelevant. I’m doing this because it's the right thing to do.
I spot him just outside of our dorms, leaning against a tree. Or rather, pinning a girl against a tree as he does what I can only assume is his version of flirting.
The girl in question doesn't appear to enjoy his attentions, if the bored droop to her face is any indication.
Rodney's not a small guy, probably played football back home, but I've got several inches and a lot more hard muscle on my side.
I pull him from the girl, who looks wide-eyed at me before scampering off, and grab the front of his shirt, glaring down at him. “I don't know why you like tormenting girls. I don’t even want to know. But you’ll leave Winter alone. Got it?”
My face is inches from his, close enough that I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
He laughs, spraying me with his saliva. “You think she doesn’t like having me around? Guess you don’t know what a slut she is.”
Growling, I slam him against the tree.
He groans, but offers another cocky grin. “If you want my advice, stay away. She’ll spread her legs easily enough, but you’ll regret ever sticking—“
I’m done listening.
I knee him in the groin. His mouth opens, a high-pitched yelp escaping as he collapses on the ground. “This is mepolitely telling you to back the hell off Winter and leave her alone."
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