JB: Brook Cottage Books is chuffed to bits to welcome a very prestigious blogger, the lovely Sharon Goodwin! Welcome Sharon. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home!
SHARON: Hi JB, thanks for hosting me today on Brook Cottage Books. I’m feeling quite cosy sat here with my feet up and the heat of the wood burner J
JB: Tell me a little about your blog

SHARON: Jera is a rune from the Nordic divination system. I am a person who believes in cycles (not the ones you pedal J) and the harvest … of reaping what is sown. The time was right for my blog to start taking shape and so this is why I chose Jera (I quite like this definition of the rune http://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/jera) I wanted my blog to grow and change to meet the needs of blog readers and I hope I am achieving this! A large celebration or party? Exactly how I feel about reading and supporting others in the writing and reading community (Jamboree).
JB: What sort of books do you like to read?
SHARON: I’ve been through different phases throughout my life. As a child it was those adventures Enid Blyton took us on. During school it was mostly those prescribed to read for the curriculum. My mum used to read Mills & Boon and epics and they found their way to me after she had read them. A work colleague introduced me to science fantasy and I just couldn’t get enough. Two of my favourite series are by Robin Hobb (The Farseer Trilogy and The Tawny Man Trilogy). My husband introduced me to science fiction – too many authors to mention. I’ve always loved chick lit/romance. I’m open to read any genre … as long as the writing takes me away from the world on a journey …
JB: Why did you decide to blog?
SHARON: I was between projects. Having spent three years of my leisure time tracing mine and my husband’s family tree and not being able to go any further, I thought it was about time my energies were directed somewhere else! I had started entering competitions via blogs (not books though!) and having always been an avid reader I searched for book blogs. After spending some time reading others, I was quite excited that this opportunity was open to me.
JB: How long have you been blogging?
SHARON: I’ve recently celebrated my two year blogoversary (Feb 6th). I’m still amazed I’m still blogging and still as much in love with it as I was when I first started!
JB: Do you have any other blogs?
SHARON: As an extension of my book blog I have a book tour coordinating blog (Fiction Addiction Book Tours http://fictionaddictionbooktours.com/) and another which showcases the books on tour (Fiction Addiction Books ON Tour http://fictionaddictionbooksontour.wordpress.com/ ).
JB: Do you have an all-time favourite book?
SHARON: Not exactly one book … Philip Pullman His Dark Materials. What a trilogy!
JB: What was your favourite book of 2012?
SHARON: I couldn’t choose just one! I do have a top 20 Fiction of 2012 … http://jerasjamboree.com/2012/12/29/jeras-jamboree-top-20-fiction-reads-of-2012/
SHARON: 49 paperbacks and 59 Kindle … a girl can never have too many books …
JB: Which book on your TBR pile are you most looking forward to reading?
SHARON: All of them …
JB: What book surprised you the most? (in other words what book did you read that was not your usual genre and you found yourself enjoying?)
SHARON: I can answer this! Betrayal by Gregg Olsen (an Empty Coffin novel). This is a YA crime/suspense novel. This was one that came through my letterbox unsolicited and it just went on the tbr pile so all the more sweeter for the effect it had on me!
JB: Do you have a favourite author?
SHARON: Hard one to answer. Well actually it isn’t because my answer is no. I like different writing styles and different genres so it really would be difficult to choose.
JB: Give 3 book recommendations for the readers of Brook Cottage Books.
1. A Treacherous Likeness by Lynn Shepherd (literary mystery)
2. Queen’s Gambit by Elizabeth Freemantle (historical fiction debut)
3. The First Last Kiss by Ali Harris (romance/chick lit) Have the tissues ready ...
Thanks to the lovely Sharon Goodwin for appearing as the Reviewer in the Spotlight! Make sure you pop over to her blog! http://jerasjamboree.com/
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